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Thursday, June 7, 2018

How Much Does App Development Cost?

Mobile app development, be it iPhone or Android app development is an expensive affair and requires gigantic monetary investment – this is an overstatement. Not all types of mobile apps requires handsome money or budget. In this blog, we shall discuss major factors that determine the cost to create an app.

Defining the Scope, Features and Functionalities of Mobile App

What is the core purpose of building a mobile app? The answer to this question would give some sort of clarity on the scope of this project. If businesses are looking forward to a broader scope and returns from app, it has to be extensively developed with lot many functionalities.

However, if the purpose to develop mobile app is to have a mobile presence and create another channel to connect with end users, an app with limited features would also be fine.

As per the recent survey by a leading analysis and research agency GoodFirms, the scope of mobile app in terms features and functionalities is the major factor driving the cost of development.

The discovery phase requires deep understanding of business flow, its goal and overall business purpose. Only when these things are clear to the development team, they can proceed ahead to lay out a plan for an app and decide how simple or complex app would be required to serve the business purpose.

Deciding the Platforms and Devices

The platform and type of mobile app also plays an important factor in deciding the cost of development. For example, the total cost of building a native app for a specific platform is different from building a hybrid app that runs on multiple platforms and devices.

Cost is also dependent on the type of device for which the app is developed. Building app for devices running iOS, Android, Windows, Blackberry or iPad is different, as it requires different sets of integration. Supporting different generations of the same device can also be an additional cost factor that increases the price.

Resource Url :- How Much Does it Cost to Create an App?


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