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Monday, May 4, 2015

Microsoft HoloLens: Converging Virtuality Into Reality

HoloLens is a headset device based on the concept of virtual reality. It's much similar to the VR headsets by Samsung, Oculus and many others except one feature that HoloLens will allow you to see the virtual and the real world, both at the same time.

The other devices will transform you completely into a new virtual world in a surprisingly convincing way, while the HoloLens superimposes a computer generated virtual image right on your work place. The features of HoloLens are very astonishing but currently it's far less convincing than other VR headsets.

It's a way new concept for software developers, but they can develop applications for HoloLens using the regular Windows 10 platform. These apps can create a holographic image-like-objects like a real object just in-front of your eyes.

Watch This Video to Know More About HoloLens

A video recording carrying through the HoloLens doesn't have peripheral vision. Whatever it records, it transmits to the screen you watch the video. So, if you're watching a video via HoloLens, you'll notice that HoloLens itself doesn't have a peripheral vision.

It's like something out of the Matrix, only, well, it's a little too much like the Matrix. When you watch that movie on your TV, it's stuck inside that 16 x 9 box, too.

About Anna Harris:
working as web content writer and a strategist for a major IT firm specialized in various mobile application development services for iOS, Android, Windows Phone and other operating systems.

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