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Monday, November 10, 2014

10 Significant Tips & Tricks for Android Battery Life

Want to go an extra mile with your your Android phone? Boost-up your Android battery life by following these simple procedures.

Battery Doctor

Maximize Power Saving Mode


Power Saving Mode

Most of the Android manufacturers provide a power saving mode options to enhance your battery consumption. Maximize the use of that option, and if you don't have an option like that, use the power saving apps such as Juice Defender.

Disable or Remove Unnecessary Apps


Remove Unnecesarry Apps


Check into phone settings, for those apps that you don't require at all. Uninstall all those apps. There are certain apps that won't allow you to uninstall, but you can surely disable them.

Integrating Home Screen

Integrated Home Screen

Streamline all the apps on your home-screen, as the busy your homescreen will be, more the battery it'll suck from your Android phone. If your Android phone possesses an Amoled screen, then use a dark background or a dark theme as dark pixels can save some of your power.

Turn-off Vibrations

turning off vibrations

Vibrations are generally battery-life killer. Turn-off the vibrations to save some battery-life. You can find the option to turn-off the battery into Settings > Language & Input > Turn-off 'Sound on keypress'. Moreover, go to Settings > Turn-off 'Vibrate on ringing'.

Manage Location Services

Managing Location Tracking

The location services tracked by your apps sucks a plenty of mobile battery life, just go through Settings > Location and switch to lower accuracy for location tracking or you can even turn it off, if you don't require it.

Increase The Battery Life of Your Android Device Now!!!

Hope, You'll find the 'Tips & Tricks' quite interesting. Let me know about your views in the comments section below.


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