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Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Rocket Bicycle Achieves The World Record Speed 207 MPH

A cyclist created world record by riding a push rocket-equipped bicycle at a speed of 207 mph (Approx 333 km/h) at race track in France.

The Frenchmen accelerated to it's top speed in just 4.8 seconds at the Paul Ricard racetrack, Marseille. Francois Gissy is now confident to achieve the speed of 250 mph in his next run on the bicycle.

He said "It's extremely intense, that's why it's a real feat" to BBC, after his Sunday's thrilling ride. He also said that "The bicycle is extremely lightweight, there's no aerodynamic covering and the force of the drag is extreme - maybe 200kg [440lb] of force on my body. At the moment [of riding] it's very scary - there's no pleasure like you would get from a motorcycle. "

The bicycle is named as Kamikaze 5, created by Grissy's friend Arnold Neracher, and the bike is since used in a series of speed challenges organized by the two men.

The engine model is made of concentrated hydrogen peroxide as fuel and a silver catalyst. Together it generates immense heat and water to provide enough thrust to generate adrenaline speed.

He is assuming to get sponsorship to achieve to the milestone of 250 mph on revised bicycle which he calls "Spine Crusher".

About Anna Harris:
working as web content writer and a strategist for a major IT firm specialized in various mobile application development services for iOS, Android, Windows Phone and other operating systems.

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