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Monday, November 17, 2014

Five Year Old Boy Clears Microsoft Exam

Ayan Qureshi, the boy from Coventry is now the youngest person to be a Microsoft Certified professional, and he was just five when he passed the exam.

The five year old boy, told BBC that he found the examination tough but it was really fun. "There were multiple choice questions, drag and drop questions, hotspot questions and scenario-based questions," he told the BBC Network.

According to Ayan's father "The toughest part was to explain the language of the test to him, but he was quite fast to pick it up and memorize."

At home Ayan has his own computer lab which is built by his own and daily for two hours he spends learning about the operating system and how install different programmes.

When Ayan went for the Microsoft Certified Professional exam, the invigilators were concerned about his age, but his father gave assurance that he would be fine giving this examination.

Later, the little master also acknowledged that, he wants to set-up his own IT hub similar to the Silicon Valley in America.

About Anna Harris:
working as web content writer and a strategist for a major IT firm specialized in various mobile application development services for iOS, Android, Windows Phone and other operating systems.

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