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Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Feather-Weight Bike Folds Into The Backpack

It's ultra feather-weight, it can be folded and backpacked and can be taken anywhere. It's the new light-weight electric bicycle in the arena that can be folded, and they call it "Impossible".

This "Impossible" bicycle is actually not a bicycle, but technically, it's more like a battery-powered electric scooter. To make it a pedal-less and chain-less was key idea of the development team so that it could be light as a feather.

This folding Impossible bike is more like a folding bike rather than an electric scooter. This light-weight bike is made-up of carbon fiber equipments attached with a load bearing connection-box that is made of heavier steel.

The current model of the bike can carry up-to 180 pounds of weight, while the other upcoming models of this bike may have the capacity to carry upto 250 pounds. Currently the weight of the bike has kept as a secret, though the company has revealed within footage that the folded bike's height is approx 17 inches.

The bike is equipped with an electric motor and rechargeable batteries, that can go with a speed of 12 mph for around 45 minutes. A fully charged bike can go around an hour and a half and the braking mechanism can done by pushing a brake button in the handle bar.

Watch-Out The Video To Know More

About Anna Harris:
working as web content writer and a strategist for a major IT firm specialized in various mobile application development services for iOS, Android, Windows Phone and other operating systems.

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