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Monday, November 17, 2014

Clouded Future Of Google Glass

The highly rumored Google Glass which we used to see in science fiction movies has a deep clouded future as the followers of Google Glass are now losing faith.

According to the sources, Sergey Brin who heads the highly advanced technology lab of Google Glass has hardly given-up on the most awaited product of life. Brin is consuming too much time and now the people are losing interest in the much hyped Google Glass.

The US$1,500 test version (RM5,020) has an inbuilt camera, a tiny processor and a small stamp-sized computer screen mounted towards the edge of the glass. Some of the makers of the Glass recently said that, they have stopped working on Google Glass due to the lowering customer interest and the limitations of the devices.

 There were nearly 100 apps, in development process for Google Glass, but now they are kept on hold this year and looking for other platforms to launch their apps. Some of the Google employees who were key members of this project left Google in just six months. The list includes lead developer Babak Parviz, Chief electrical engineer Adrian Wong and director of developer relations, Ossama Alami.

Google has committed to bring Glass, and also acknowledges of having 100 engineers and developers working on the project. Serjey Brin, the head of this project proposed the launch this year, but now it's most likely to be launched the next year 2015.

How It Feels Through Google Glass?

About Anna Harris:
working as web content writer and a strategist for a major IT firm specialized in various mobile application development services for iOS, Android, Windows Phone and other operating systems.

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